PUBLICATIONS SUBMITTED / IN PREPARATION Noël, C., Twardzik, C., Dublanchet, P., Passelègue, F. On the emergence of fault afterslip during laboratory seismic cycle. Submitted to EPSL. (link) Saez, A., Passelègue, F., Lecampion, B. Maximum size and magnitude of injection-induced slow slip events. (2024). Submitted to Science Advances. (link) ACCEPTED [35] Dublanchet, P., Passelègue, F. X., Chauris, H., Gesret, A., Twardzyk, C., Noël, C. (2024). Kinematic inversion of fault slip during the nucleation of laboratory earthquakes. Journal of Geophysical Research. (link) [34] Latour, S., Passelègue, F., Paglialunga, F., Noël, C., Ampuero, J.-P. (2024). What happens when two ruptures collide? Geophysical Research Letters. (link) [33] Fryer, B., Lebihain, M., Noël, C., Paglialunga, F., Passelègue, F. (2024). The effect of stress barriers on unconventional-singularity-driven frictional rupture. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. (link) [32] Paglialunga, F., Passelègue, F. X., Lebihain, M., Violay, M. (2024). Frictional weakening leads to unconventional singularities during laboratory earthquake. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. (link) [31] Paglialunga, F., Passelègue, F., Latour, S., Gounon, A., & Violay, M. (2023). Influence of Viscous Lubricant on Nucleation and Propagation of Frictional Ruptures. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128(4), e2022JB026090 (link) [30] Fryer, B., Giorgetti, C., Passelègue, F., Momeni, S., Lecampion, B., & Violay, M. (2022). The Influence of Roughness on Experimental Fault Mechanical Behavior and Associated Microseismicity. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127(8), e2022JB025113 (link) [29] Cornelio, C., Spagnuolo, E., Aretusini, S., Nielsen, S., Passelègue, F., Violay, M., ... & Di Toro, G. (2022). Determination of parameters characteristic of dynamic weakening mechanisms during seismic faulting in cohesive rocks. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127(7), e2022JB024356. (link) [28] Paglialunga, F., Passelègue, F. X., Brantut, N., Barras, F., Lebihain, M., & Violay, M. (2022). On the scale dependence in the dynamics of frictional rupture: Constant fracture energy versus size-dependent breakdown work. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 584, 117442. (link) [27] Paglialunga, F., Passelègue, F. X., Acosta, M., & Violay, M. (2021). Origin of the Co‐Seismic Variations of Elastic Properties in the Crust: Insight From the Laboratory. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(12), e2021GL093619. (link) [26] Passelègue, F. X., Tielke, J., Mecklenburgh, J., Violay, M., Deldicque, D., & Di Toro, G. (2021). Experimental Plastic Reactivation of Pseudotachylyte‐Filled Shear Zones. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(5), e2020GL091538. (link) [25] Noël, C., Passelègue, F. X., & Violay, M. (2021). Brittle faulting of ductile rock induced by pore fluid pressure build‐up. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126(3), e2020JB021331. (link) [24] Almakari, M., Chauris, H., Passelègue, F., Dublanchet, P., & Gesret, A. (2020). Fault’s hydraulic diffusivity enhancement during injection induced fault reactivation: application of pore pressure diffusion inversions to laboratory injection experiments. Geophysical Journal International, 223(3), 2117-2132. (link) [23] Violay, Marie, and Francois Passelegue. "Special Issue on Injection Induced Seismicity: Selected papers from the Mini-Symposium on Induced Seismicity of the 2nd International Symposium on Energy Geotechnics, SEG 2018, at Swiss Institute of Technology at Lausanne, EPFL, September 25-28, 2018." Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment 24 (2020): 100200. (link) [22] Fondriest, M., Mecklenburgh, J., Passelegue, F. X., Artioli, G., Nestola, F., Spagnuolo, E., ... & Di Toro, G. (2020). Pseudotachylyte alteration and the rapid fade of earthquake scars from the geological record. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(22), e2020GL090020. (link) [21] Passelègue, F. X., Almakari, M., Dublanchet, P., Barras, F., Fortin, J., & Violay, M. (2020). Initial effective stress controls the nature of earthquakes. Nature communications, 11(1), 1-8. (link) [20] Aubry, J., Passelègue, F. X., Escartín, J., Gasc, J., Deldicque, D., & Schubnel, A. (2020). Fault stability across the seismogenic zone. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125(8), e2020JB019670. (link) [19] Cornelio, C., Passelègue, F. X., Spagnuolo, E., Di Toro, G., & Violay, M. (2020). Effect of fluid viscosity on fault reactivation and coseismic weakening. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125(1), e2019JB018883. (link) [18] Acosta, M., Passelègue, F. X., Schubnel, A., Madariaga, R., & Violay, M. (2019). Can precursory moment release scale with earthquake magnitude? A view from the laboratory. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(22), 12927-12937. (link) [17] Noël, C., Passelègue, F. X., Giorgetti, C., & Violay, M. (2019). Fault reactivation during fluid pressure oscillations: Transition from stable to unstable slip. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124(11), 10940-10953. (link) [16] Violay, M., Passelègue, F., Spagnuolo, E., Di Toro, G., & Cornelio, C. (2019). Effect of water and rock composition on re-strengthening of cohesive faults during the deceleration phase of seismic slip pulses. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 522, 55-64. (link) [15] Passelègue, F. X., Aubry, J., Nicolas, A., Fondriest, M., Deldicque, D., Schubnel, A., & Di Toro, G. (2019). From fault creep to slow and fast earthquakes in carbonates. Geology, 47(8), 744-748. (link) [14] Marty, S., Passelègue, F. X., Aubry, J., Bhat, H. S., Schubnel, A., & Madariaga, R. (2019). Origin of high‐frequency radiation during laboratory earthquakes. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(7), 3755-3763. (link) [13] Passelègue, F. X., Brantut, N., & Mitchell, T. M. (2018). Fault reactivation by fluid injection: controls from stress state and injection rate. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(23), 12-837. (link) [12] Aubry, J., Passelègue, F. X., Deldicque, D., Girault, F., Marty, S., Lahfid, A., ... & Schubnel, A. (2018). Frictional heating processes and energy budget during laboratory earthquakes. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(22), 12-274. (link) [11] Passelègue, F. X., Pimienta, L., Faulkner, D., Schubnel, A., Fortin, J., & Guéguen, Y. (2018). Development and recovery of stress‐induced elastic anisotropy during cyclic loading experiment on westerly granite. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(16), 8156-8166. (link) [10] Acosta, M., Passelègue, F. X., Schubnel, A., & Violay, M. (2018). Dynamic weakening during earthquakes controlled by fluid thermodynamics. Nature communications, 9(1), 1-9. (link) [9] Giacomel, P., Spagnuolo, E., Nazzari, M., Marzoli, A., Passelegue, F., Youbi, N., & Di Toro, G. (2018). Frictional instabilities and carbonation of basalts triggered by injection of pressurized H2O‐and CO2‐rich fluids. Geophysical research letters, 45(12), 6032-6041. (link) [8] Passelègue, F. X., Latour, S., Schubnel, A., Nielsen, S., Bhat, H. S., & Madariaga, R. (2017). Influence of fault strength on precursory processes during laboratory earthquakes. Fault zone dynamic processes: Evolution of fault properties during seismic rupture, 229-242. (link) [7] Passelègue, F. X., Spagnuolo, E., Violay, M., Nielsen, S., Di Toro, G., & Schubnel, A. (2016). Frictional evolution, acoustic emissions activity, and off‐fault damage in simulated faults sheared at seismic slip rates. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121(10), 7490-7513. (link) [6] Brantut, N., Passelègue, F. X., Deldicque, D., Rouzaud, J. N., & Schubnel, A. (2016). Dynamic weakening and amorphization in serpentinite during laboratory earthquakes. Geology, 44(8), 607-610. (link) [5] Passelègue, F. X., Schubnel, A., Nielsen, S., Bhat, H. S., Deldicque, D., & Madariaga, R. (2016). Dynamic rupture processes inferred from laboratory microearthquakes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121(6), 4343-4365. (link) [4] Nicolas, A., Girault, F., Schubnel, A., Pili, É., Passelègue, F., Fortin, J., & Deldicque, D. (2014). Radon emanation from brittle fracturing in granites under upper crustal conditions. Geophysical Research Letters, 41(15), 5436-5443. (link) [3] Passelègue, F. X., Fabbri, O., Dubois, M., & Ventalon, S. (2014). Fluid overpressure along an Oligocene out-of-sequence thrust in the Shimanto Belt, SW Japan. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 86, 12-24. (link) [2] Passelègue, F. X., Goldsby, D. L., & Fabbri, O. (2014). The influence of ambient fault temperature on flash‐heating phenomena. Geophysical Research Letters, 41(3), 828-835. (link) [1] Passelègue, F. X., Schubnel, A., Nielsen, S., Bhat, H. S., & Madariaga, R. (2013). From sub-Rayleigh to supershear ruptures during stick-slip experiments on crustal rocks. Science, 340(6137), 1208-1211. (link)